Team Tracks
Team Tracks
Technology Fuelled Engagement
- Number of Attendees: 6 - 1000
- Time Frame: 1 - 3 hours
- Location: Virtual,Hybrid
Key Outcomes
What Is It?
The Team Tracks framework is specifically suited to virtual events and conferences looking for engagement activities to connect to the conference theme. Team Tracks allows for full customisation of both the App look and feel and activity content. The finale of the event sees all teams gather in a final video chat room for a high impact review of the photos and videos and reveal of the winning teams.
Clients run Team Tracks to bring fun, engagement and connection to your conference theme. The activity can be custom-themed to your corporate messaging with custom theming and custom activities possible. Race against the clock, activity driven team building is always a winner and knowing you are using the global leader in the technology gives peace of mind for a smooth event.